Friday, March 20, 2009

I've got an idea...

Y'all have no doubt heard about the bonuses paid to AIG execs, and possible bonuses paid through other companies that have received bailout funds. Billions of dollars of money all these people don't need at all. They failed their business, so they don't deserve a bonus. They haven't fixed their business, so they don't deserve a bonus. Instead of passing a bill that taxes it at ninety percent, pass a bill that makes them invest the bonus money in the arts. Turn these companies into the modern equivalent of the Medici family.

Don't make them invest in programs, because programs don't always directly put the money to good use. Make these execs use the money to commission artists, sculptors, architects, musicians, actors, and people from the whole realm of the arts to make stuff. Billions of dollars to people who want to get paid, making things to better our communities and lives.

It sounds like a good idea to me. And it makes more sense than a tax to me.

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