Monday, March 2, 2009

Here's one more thing:

No cussing week

The connection between intelligence and use of profanity. Yes, dumb people use profanity, but some of the smartest people I've ever met use profanity 'like a sailor.' This connection has always been invalid to me.

Also, I think (though I could be wrong) that this kid is asking people to voluntarily inhibit their right to free speech. This desensitizes people to when people are really trying to inhibit their rights.

Either way, I'm all for the kid's goals of unity and awareness, but this is one of the last things on my list in the way of unity and working together, down below setting my own house on fire.

Also, the word 'cuss' is really, really irritating to me.

1 comment:

melissa7018 said...

I understand your reasoning and agree that intelligence and profanity are not related in the slightest but I do feel that profanity displays a lack of intelligence. Again it "displays or presents" a lack of intelligence. If you made a presentation to someone for just 10 minutes and used profanity then it does make you look less credible. Just a passing thought! :)