Friday, March 13, 2009

A Government of Dumbshits

As you know, at least as I hope you know, the US government's Congress is full of a bunch of dumbshit partisans. I've said it before, I say it again. Yes, there may be the people with a little bit of smarts here and there, but that doesn't cut it. I want them to have to pass an I.Q. test before they're able to run, it would help a lot.

Anyways, the Democrats have rolled out a little 'party of no' deal, which I think is as dumb as they are. They're just complaining that the Republicans aren't hopping onto their train. On some things I would like them to get in with, but that'll never happen. Not so long as they make up their mind before they hear the issue. That's America's partisan politics after all. Happens on both sides. I don't think it will ever change, I'd like it to, but it won't.

You know, with all this Democrat-backed spending on the shit economy, there's Republicans and retards complaining from every angle. Especially on the idea that the Democrats are the 'big government' party. Let me tell you, this government is fucking huge even without the Democrats. Hell, I don't mind a big government, what I don't like is that we have an ineffective government. Big government, yeah, whatever, as long as it's an effective government that gets good shit done, I don't complain. But (I've said this before many times) this government doesn't get a lot of good stuff done because of the partisan politics that goes on. Work on the common ground, please.

We need two parties, or three, that like to talk, like to work together to get things done. Like to play nice. Because ours don't, and they never will as long as the politicians remain the same politicians from the same political parties. We need to get some (no not Independent) people in there that are liberal on some things, and conservative on others (I hate to use those terms, really, they're thrown around too much). If you do one thing liberally, it gets done liberally. If you need to get some things done over here, but you aren't liberal on them, you get them done conservatively. Sounds good doesn't it? But not even Independents are like this, they tend to lean more than straddle, so we can throw them out the sixth story window with the rest of them.

A lot of Americans like to say that they're liberal on some things, and conservative on others, which is fine and dandy, because I say the same about myself, but they don't do anything but discuss this stuff within their circle of politics. They don't run for office, because if they do, they get defeated by partisan politics (or end up like Lieberman, who leans Democrat, so fuck him). These people need to form a major party, they need to organize and stop saying that they're Independents. They need a name that strikes fear into Republicans and Democrats alike, strike the fear that makes those two parties realize they aren't the only two in contention for the Presidency. They need a base of people that strikes fear into the RNC and DNC. They need to bring out the big motherfucking guns.

If this party does form, it can start to take away from the dominance of the Democrats and Republicans. Because I have an equal hatred for both. They're both arrogant, stupid, and hell, the Democrats have even forced the Republican National Convention to put a black man as their head. And also thrust out the dumb fuck Bobby Jindal. That's when you know a party has fallen far, when they have to try an imitate the other party substituting their own ideals in. Either way, I think it's stupid.

Back to the party of Conservativeness/Liberalness. This party could get things done, because most people that say they're conservative on some issues and liberal on others actually agree on those issues. Of course, there will be the people that see things other ways, but they can just fuck off, this party is about agreeing on how to get things done, not internal bickering, or bickering with other parties. This party is about getting things done where everyone agrees on how to do them. Conservative on gun control, alright, gun control is dealt with in the general conservative way (i.e. the lack there of control). Abortion, alrighty then, you guys are liberal on that? Good, keep politics and religion out of it and bar any legislation proposing against it (at least, that's the way I see it). You just got two rather controversial things out of the way, one more so than the other, but at least they're out of the way (for now, hopefully forever).

This party, whatever may it be called, is the party that gets things done they way everyone within it agrees to. This party could grow to oust Democrats and Republicans once and for all from the forefront and turn them into just another set of parties in this party-filled nation. I 'd like to see it happen.

Who wants to help?

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