Friday, March 20, 2009

Hey guys! Guess what?!

So, here it is:

You know the fear of Socialism that is in close kinship with the Cold War fear of Communism? Yeah, you know that, you're smart people (well...). People in this country should realize that this country is as much Socialist as it is Capitalist.

All the public institutions. Public works, public parks, city/county/state/country infrastructure, fire, police, public schools, Social Security... In other words, anything funded by public tax money. Socialism. Simple as that. All this stuff we rely on on a daily basis. And no one complains. They only complain when there is talk of government takeovers of institutions we see as private entities (banks, as per today's current argument. But of course, there is the Federal Reserve, a national bank that supplies this country's money). Not that I don't complain myself, I just say that they should have let the banking system fail. This is supposed to be a capitalist nation after all. Even with all these public institutions. As a capitalist nation, the banks would have failed, and other banks would have grown to fill in the blanks.

In other words, The government of the United States of America is a Socialist government. The business world of the United States of America is Capitalist; the only Capitalist thing in this nation.

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