Friday, January 16, 2009

Another two cents:

I got to thinking for a bit waiting for the bus. I thought about Genesis and all its creation stories and what not. And I came to one conclusion: It is the only purely human creation contained within any bible. It is the only book in which I believe if this god truly exists, did not have any hand in. I just don't see a god laying down creation of the universe so simply like that, because in all honesty if this god is out there, it's not quite done creating yet.

I figure this because this book stresses divinity of this creation and in turn divinity of man, something I think this god truly isn't partial to. No god would stress divinity of its creation, only its creation would stress the fact that were a part of the divine creation. With this I'd like to go to the Creationism Museum and present this, and a little game called Spore to people there. While I know that they would like to dispute this, I'm not there to dispute the rest of the Bible, I'm just there to present findings and what I see to be proof of the findings.

Plus, this book has
all the answers in a time where there were no answers, it's self-explanatory.

On Spore, I would like to say that the game stresses the importance of an intelligent designer in evolution. I'm not certain this is true or not, but it sure is a good little piece of pie to chew on for awhile. I think that if any god were to create a universe, because it could, it would create that universe and make the possibility of life a reality. Over time it'd watch the evolution going on, maybe pushing a species ahead or pulling one back with mass catastrophe, but it wouldn't be the one to create sentient beings right off the bat. It would have the patience to wait. Wait until sentient beings came to be and then attempt to teach them to live in peace if they hadn't done it on their own already. We hadn't, and still haven't, so who knows if he's done or not.

Revelation, I think, though could have been inspired by this god, that is why I don't think that book is purely human creation, though a lot of it is. That's what I mean by 'not done yet' this god dictated to people what it was going to do because it saw no point in trying to teach us to live peacefully. As many Gandhis, Siddhartha Gautamas, Martin Luther King Jrs and peacemakers alike live, this god has seen us as killers of the peacemakers (citing Gandhi and MLK Jr.). It's all up to debate, but that's what I think.

Also, I think the Ten Commandments are a very human creation. My moral standards are better than those ten pieces of stupid advice. But if it is truly 'God's Word,' then I'll point some things out.

As you know I'm Henotheistic, well, so is God. He says, "You shall have no other gods before Me." Well? He isn't saying 'there are no other gods, so worship only me' He's acknowledging that there is other gods out there and that you should only worship Him. Also, in that he is not saying you can't worship them, He's just saying don't worship them '
before Me.' So in all honesty, He's not saying that you can't worship other gods, just that He's the top dog. Remind you of Zeus, or Krishna, or Vishnu? Supreme gods? Yeah, God just wants to be on top. But this one is at odds with one of the Five Pillars of Islam, which states There is but one God, Allah, and his prophet is Muhammad. Truthfully, Islam is a pure monotheism with that.

Second, "
You shall not make for yourself a carved image--any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth." We've been doing that all throughout history, he didn't say that to me, at all. Yes, these images may have been for teaching the Bible to illiterate masses, but a lot of the representations of all the things listed are in all art. And there's nothing anyone can do about it. This to me is enough confirmation that Christian people don't follow their own Commandments (even though these are Jewish).

Third, "You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain." God dammit. Well? Where's the fire and brimstone we've all been promised? This one is just people afraid of a little language. These people like their 'tongues' as well, and who knows if they're actually saying something they shouldn't be saying or not? No one? Didn't think so.

Forth, "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy" This one comes from the bullshit in Genesis where god rested on the seventh day because it's just sooooo hard to create a universe. This is people who want a day off. That's all.

Fifth, "Honor your father and your mother." This one is nice, especially in the fact that it's not solely patriarchal. But it really isn't a commandment, or a law or anything, this is just something that you should instinctively do and usually instinctively do anyways.

Sixth, "You shall not murder." Bam! Finally a law! Wow, took you a lot of thought to get up to this point didn't it? Yeah. Well... I think this is one of two actual laws in this these commandments that are so full of stupid. But in all truth, sentient beings usually come to this consensus without religion to tell them.

Seventh, "You shall not commit adultery." Happens, no fire and brimstone yet. This one is just plain stupid. Humans fuck, there's no way to get around that. It's part of your lowest instincts. Now I admit it's a dick thing to do, but it's not as sinful as people like to say it is.

Eighth, "You shall not steal." Hey! The other actual law! This is a no brainer, stealing is a hassle. Hammurabi made sure of that. We don't need these Commandments to tell us that stealing is bad, we have laws that are set in even more solid stone to tell us it's stupid.

Ninth, "You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor." This is just a good piece of advice. You have to be a real asshat to bear false witness, and you actually deserve Hell for this one. It's also illegal without this to tell us that it should be.

And tenth,
"You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor's.' This one is basically no envy. Envy isn't bad though, it can be stupid, but it isn't sinful to want that Maserati in you're neighbor's driveway, just see number eight and keep these thoughts to yourself.

But yeah, this is a lot of human stuff that is outdated today and forsaking crimes against humanity. It either needs to be thrown out, or updated. So, God, update!

If I end up being completely wrong about everything when I die, the only request I'll have is a short chat with God to ask him some pressing questions about things I want to know. But either way, I'm contented.

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