Thursday, March 26, 2009

Well... Shit.

I really do think this country is no longer for the people.

While some of our elected officials may be for the people, the majority are not. I think the ones more for the people are the ones elected on municipal levels, county levels, and moreover, state levels. US Senators, and Representatives, and hell, even the President aren't for the people. Some of them may be, and I'm sure there is a few that really are for the people that elected them, but the rest are not. They're more concerned with their political agendas and the party loyalties most of them have.

It's sad really, that we all have been complacent to this. We sit back and complain when the politician's views don't mirror our own. We sure as hell don't protest or petition which is our right. At least, we don't protest at the levels we should. For instance, the former administration had the shittiest approval ratings since approval ratings were taken. What did people do? They sat back and disapproved. The amount of people that wanted Bush out of office probably wasn't much, but if they all decided to get together in DC right on the National Mall and protest, I'm sure it would have struck a certain chord with the people they'd have been protesting against.

God damn, we've become lazy when it comes to our government. Keywords: our government. Our government should be doing what the people want, not what they want. While this country may not be a pure democracy (it's a representative democracy), who do the people representing us think they represent? You say you elect a politician because you agree with them on the issues. Yeah, fuck that, few people really do it that way. You elect them because they're a Democrat or a Republican or whatever party you happen to support. Yeah, that's right is it not?

What Senators and Representatives need to do is go to their respective districts, find a big ass meeting hall, and listen. Fuckin' listen to the people and what they want to see happen. But with that happen? You can bet it never will. These politicians are in it for themselves, and their political party.

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